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Muntons & Coopers
Munton's Brew Ingredient Kits
The Premium range allows home beer makers to experience flavors from around the world in their own homes, enjoyably and economically.
Once again, the Muntons Premium range is made entirley from 100% hopped malt extract with no inferior or cheap adjuncts such as barley syrup. There is one notable exception to this however - the American Style Light Beer. To emulate the light delicate character of this popular beer style it was necessary to include in the kit a percentage of liquid sugar. This is the only beer kit in the extensive Muntons ranges made from anything other than 100% hopped malt extract.
Many years ago - centuries in fact - it was discovered that the way to brew the best ales and beers was to use only malt, hops, water and yeast in the brewing process.
In the 15th Century in Germany this was taken a stage further with the introduction of the "Reinheitsgebot" - a law prohibiting the use of any ingredients in the brewing process other than these brewing materials.