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Siphoning & Racking FAQs

Racking Your Beer or Wine Into a Carboy?

After the vigorous fermentation is complete, it's time to rack your beer or wine into the "Secondary" fermentor. This gets the newly fermented brew off of the yeast and dregs. It also serves to allow your brew to further settle out the proteins and other "Stuff" that you want out of your brew. The same holds true for your fresh batch of wine.


Most batches of beer or wine produce either 5 or 6 gallons of finished product. Barley & Vine�s Brew Ingredient Kits make 5.25 gallons. This gives you the little extra you'll need to make sure you are near the top of your secondary. This keeps the head space to a minimum AND as a result, it minimized the chance for oxidation or infection resulting from the presence of oxygen.

Q: Do I put the curved end of the racking tube in the carboy when I siphon?
A: No, use the straight end with the tip attached.

Q: Do I pour the beer into the bucket when I'm ready to bottle?
A: No!! This will lead to oxidation of the beer. Use the racking tube and flexible tubing a GENTLY siphon into your bottling bucket.

Q: How often should I rack my wine or mead?
A: Once every 3-4 weeks, until there is no more sediment at the bottom of your carboy. Read more

Q:Can you set an automated amount to be filled i.e. 4 oz?
A: The ounce measurement probably is not as important as the height and inside diameter of the bottles. The bottle needs to be about 5 1/4 to 5 1/2 inches high. The inside diameter of the bottle needs to be able to easily accommodate a 5/8" wide x 5/8 filling tube. If the diameter works, but not the height, you may be able to modify the height by adding something to increase the height of the filling plate.