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BTF Iodophor Solution, 4 ounces
Regular Price::$5.99
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BTF Iodophor

BTF Iodophor is a colorless and odorless sanitizer that is safe to use on all of your home brewing equipment including brew kettles, fermenting buckets, bottling buckets, bottles, siphons, and hoses. This is a low foaming formula unlike other brands of sanitizers. BTF Iodophor will not leave any residual taste behind on your equipment. This sanitizer can be used both by the professional brewer as well as the home brewer and home wine maker.

Instructions for B-T-F Iodophor 1 tsp per 1-1/2 Gallons of water and 2 minute contact time for sanitizing.
Also, BTF Iodophor has been certified by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production and by the NSF as a sanitizer for food processing and shell eggs.

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