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Blackberry Wine

Blackberry Wine Blackberry Wine

Yield: 1 Gallon
Starting Specific Gravity: 1.090- 1.095, Acid .60%

4 Pounds Blackberries
2.5 Pounds White Sugar
1 Gallon Water
1 Tsp. Yeast Nutrient
1 Tsp. Acid Blend
1 Each Campden Tablet
0.5 Tsp. Pectic Enzyme Pwdr.
1 Each Wine Yeast

  1. Step One: Use only sound ripe berries. Crush fruit and put all ingredients except wine yeast in primary fermenter.
  2. Step Two: Add hot water and stir to dissolve sugar. Cover with plastic sheet. When must is cool (70�-75�).
  3. Step Three: Add Wine Yeast. Stir the must daily. Ferment 5 - 6 days or until specific gravity is 1.040. Strain out fruit pulp and press.
  4. Step Four: Siphon into Glass Fermenter and attach airlock(s). Rack in three weeks and again in three months. When wine is clear and stable, it is time to bottle. Wine may be sweetened to taste at time of bottling with wine conditioner.
  5. Step Five: Add Potassium Sorbate to prevent renewed fermentation.

Multiply to make any volume more than 1 gallon.

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Blackberry Wine