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Muscat Grape Concetrate (46 oz) - Alexander's Sun Country

Muscat Grape Concetrate (46 oz) - Alexander's Sun Country
Item # 1060

The Muscat variety of grapes of the species Vitis vinifera is widely grown for wine, raisins and table grapes. Their color ranges from white to near black. Muscat almost always has a pronounced sweet floral aroma. Muscat grapes are grown around the world. The breadth and number of varieties of muscat suggest that it is perhaps the oldest domesticated grape variety, and there are theories that most families within the Vitis vinifera grape variety are descended from the Muscat variety.

Use either one, two or three cans to 5 gallons to make your wine either light, medium or full bodied. Come with directions. Also calls for: Campden Tablets, Acid Blend, Yeast Nutrient, Pectic Enzyme, Tannin and Yeast. (not included)


Type of Wine: Light Bodied, White Wine, 8% Alcohol Aging Time: 1-2 Months Cans of Concentrate: 1 Can (see note 3) Water: 12 Cans Sugar: 4-1/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 10-20 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 4 tablets or 4 tsp. Grape Tannin: 2 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. Champagne Starting Specific Gravity: 1.056

Type of Wine: Medium Bodied, White Wine, 10% Alcohol Aging Time: 2-4 Months Cans of Concentrate: 2 Can (see note 4) Water: 11 Cans Sugar: 2-3/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 10-20 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 4 tablets or 4 tsp. Grape Tannin: 2 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. Champagne Starting Specific Gravity: 1.074

Type of Wine: Full Bodied, White Wine, 12% Alcohol Aging Time: 4-6 Months Cans of Concentrate: 3 Can Water: 10 Cans Sugar: 1-3/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 0-10 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 4 tablets or 4 tsp. Grape Tannin: 2 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. Champagne Starting Specific Gravity: 1.088

Type of Wine: Light Bodied, Red Wine, 8% Alcohol Aging Time: 1-2 Months Cans of Concentrate: 1 Can (see note 3) Water: 12 Cans Sugar: 4-1/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 10-20 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 3 tablets or 3 tsp. Grape Tannin: 3 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. All-Purpose Starting Specific Gravity: 1.056

Type of Wine: Medium Bodied, Red Wine, 10% Alcohol Aging Time: 2-4 Months Cans of Concentrate: 2 Can (see note 4) Water: 11 Cans Sugar: 2-3/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 10-20 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 3 tablets or 3 tsp. Grape Tannin: 3 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. All-purpose Starting Specific Gravity: 1.074

Type of Wine: Full Bodied, Red Wine, 12% Alcohol Aging Time: 4-6 Months Cans of Concentrate: 3 Can Water: 10 Cans Sugar: 1-3/4 lbs. Acid Blend: 0-10 tsp. (see note 5) Yeast Nutrient: 5 tablets or 5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 3 tablets or 3 tsp. Grape Tannin: 3 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. All-purpose Starting Specific Gravity: 1.088

Type of Wine: Old Country Style, Red Wine, 12.5% Alcohol Aging Time: 1 Year Cans of Concentrate: 4 Can Water: 9 Cans Sugar: 0 Acid Blend: 0 Yeast Nutrient: 4 tablets or 4 tsp. Pectic Enzyme: 3 tablets or 3 tsp. Grape Tannin: 3 tsp. Yeast: 1 pkg. All-purpose Starting Specific Gravity: 1.096


1. All measurements are level measuring teaspoons, for sugar use 2 rounded measuring cups per pound.

2. All ingredients called for are given in approximate amounts as varietal concentrates may vary from year to year due to climate and growing conditions in California.

3. Add three Campden Tablets

4. Add two Campden Tablets

5. For best results, use a Titration Kit prior to adding acid blend.


Primary Fermenter Plastic Sheet 5 Gallon Glass Carboy Fermentation Lock & Stopper Acid Titration Kit Sulfite Crystals Hydrometer & Plastic Hydrometer Test Jar Floating Thermometer Siphon Hose Racking Tube Spoon


1. Clean and sterilize all equipment before using, use a sulfite solution (tablets or powder) as a final rinse. Drain well.

2. Pour concentrate into a Primary Fermenter using a few cans of warm water to rinse out all the concentrate in cans, add the rest of the cold water called for in recipe above.

3. Stir in sugar called for in recipe.

4. Add all other ingredients, EXCEPT WINE YEAST which is added later, and stir thoroughly to dissolve.

5. Cover immediately with lid or clean plastic sheet (tied down) and leave at room temperature over night.

6. Sprinkle yeast on top or make a starter using yeast and a small amount of lukewarm water. Fermentation should begin within 4 to 20 hours.

7. Ferment white wines at a cooler temperature if possible, 65 to 70 degrees F, red wines at 70 to 75 degrees F. When fermentation slows down, rack (siphon) the wine into a clean, sterilized glass jug, being careful not to disturb the sediment. Attach air lock half filled with water. Do not overfill. Keep extra wine in refrigerator and top off when fermentation subsides.

8. In 10 days to 2 weeks most of the yeast sediment will settle out, siphon again CAREFULLY into a clean sterilized jug. Top off with another wine or a small amount of water.

9. If the wine is crystal clear (no hazes) and shows no signs a continuing fermentation, you can age it further in glass jug or bottle it at this time.

10. In 2 months if the wine is not clear, add Sparkolloid or fining agent to clear it and rack again into a clean jug.

11. If you want a sweeter wine you can add Wine Conditioner at this point to bring the wine to the sweetness you desire.

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Muscat Grape Concetrate (46 oz) - Alexander's Sun Country